Friday, June 26, 2009


The Hexagon™ 8 Stage Water Purifier gives you more than just safe water. It gives a smoother, fresher taste and is just right for sustaining bodily processes. It enhances detoxification and elimination of waste, and helps in attaining and maintaining overall good health.

1 st Stage: Ceramic Filter

Content :
Ceramic Filter with pore size of 0.2-0.5 microns
Functions :

Filters out most harmful bacteria & viruses
Removes more than 99% of micro-particulate contaminants, sludge & rust

2 nd Stage: Ion Exchange Resins

Content : US NSF ANSI/NSF – 61 approved Ion Exchange Resins
Functions : Removes fluoride and adjusts the Calcium and Magnesium content to soften water for better taste

3 rd Stage: Activated Granular Carbon

Content : NSF ANSI/NSF – 42 & SGS approved Activated Granular Carbon
Functions : Absorbs chlorine, odours and colours

4 th Stage: Mineral Elements

Content : SGS approved 100% Natural Mineral Stones
Functions :

Infuses water with ionic minerals and trace elements that are vital for health such as Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese and more.

Makes water taste sweeter and increases the pH to a mild alkaline level to perfectly match the body’s pH balance of 7.2 – 7.5. This helps to combat unhealthy acidity in the body.

5 th– 6 th Stage: Anion Minerals + EC3000 FIR Energy Beads

Content : Anion minerals from Japan
Functions :

Make water taste sweeter and infuse water with negative ions to help neutralise and prevent free radical damage, enhance the immune system, and prevent ageing and oxidation.

Content : EC3000 FIR Energy Beads, made in Japan
Functions :

Emit three times more intense FIR (Far Infrared) than other water filtration systems

Activate & energise water and break the molecules into small molecular clusters for optimal cell absorption.

7th Stage: KDF + Activated Granular Carbon

Content :

NSF approved KDF – Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (USA NSF 61) (a zinc-copper compound)

Functions :

Neutralises organic & inorganic chemicals, mercury, trichloroethylene (TCE), trihalomethane (THM), radioactive compounds and other heavy metals

Content : NSF Approved Activated Granular Carbon (Philippines NSF 42)
Functions :

Inhibits harmful bacteria growth

Absorbs remaining chlorine, unpleasant odours, colours, and toxic substances.

8 th Stage: Magnetic Stones

Content : Magnetic Stones
Functions :

Create a magnetic field to further break up the molecular clusters

  • π Water has a certified NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology) reading of 46-48Hz, compared to the 128Hz of tap water, RO and mineral water. Bottled mineral water is between 90 and 100Hz. (The reading represents the molecule size; the lower the reading, the better.)
  • π Water molecule size is the most ideal for the body

Tested and certified by the following accredited bodies:

  • Reverse Osmosis Filtration
    This is used to purify several types of bottled water (not all), so some bottled waters are unfluoridated. Reverse osmosis systems are generally unaffordable for personal use.

  • Activated Alumina Defluoridation Filter
    These filters are used in locales where fluorosis is prevalent. They are relatively expensive (lowest price I saw was $30/filter) and require frequent replacement, but do offer an option for home water filtration.

  • Distillation Filtration
    There are commercially available distillation filters that can be purchased to remove fluoride from water. On a related note: When looking at bottled water, keep in mind that 'distilled water' does not imply that a product is suitable for drinking water and other undesirable impurities may be present.
These products remove everything even the natural minerals and vitamins that are in water. They are also unaffordable and must typically be plumbed into the current pipe system.

Why Filter Fluoride from Your Water

Why is it important to filter your fluoridated water???

1. Half of all ingested fluoride remains in the skeletal system and accumulates with age. Several recent epidemiological studies suggest that only a few years of fluoride ingestion from fluoridated water increases the risk for bone fracture.

2. There is a dose-dependent relationship between the prevalence/severity of dental fluorosis and fluoride ingestion.

3. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is recovered from the smokestack scrubbers during the production of phosphate fertilizer and sold to most of the major cities in North America, which use this industrial grade source of fluoride to fluoridate drinking water, rather than the more expensive pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride salt.

4. Depending on the level of exposure, a number of adverse health effects may be linked to fluoride ingestion. In humans, they include bone cancer, bone fracture, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis, impaired thyroid hormone status, impaired neurodevelopment of children, and calcification of the pineal gland.

5. Recently the Queensland Government told the public that there was an overdose of fluoride put in the water as the alarm systems were shut off at the treatment plant. How many times has this happened and are you willing to take the chance with your health and the health of your family when it comes to this issue.